23 weeks today! Time sure if flying by. I meant to post pictures last week but never got around to it, life has been pretty busy around here. Work wore me out last week, so I spent a lot of the weekend relaxing in bed. I like this excuse! As you can see, I am showing more and more each week. I'm not getting to the point where my pre-pregnancy shirts still are wide enough but not really long enough and I end up with the bottom of my tummy hanging out at work sometimes! Oh well. Guess that means it's time to go shopping!
Shhhhhhhhhhh......... don't tell Wanda that I'm still wearing my heels! (Yes Wanda, I had Jeff take this picture just for you) My lower back actually hurts less when I wear heels, and I sit almost all day at work anyway. And what can I say, I LOVE my heels! Anyone who came to the wedding can note that these are the same shoes I wore with my wedding dress!
Things are going well, I feel good and am not too tired these days. I definitely have the pregnancy brain though, I say silly things and forget things and have problems focusing at work, and by the end of most days my brain is just fried. I guess that is just normal and to be expected, but it doesn't help me much in handling the complex claims now. I just do the best I can, what else can I do?
The wife of Jeff's commander, Nikki, threw us a baby shower last weekend, it was so nice of her! It was a few of the other military wives as well as some of the female Air Force people Jeff works with. We had a good time, and with the presents sitting on my table, I feel like we are finally starting to prepare for the baby! The theme was "practical baby" so we got lots of very useful things. My favorite piece of clothing is the ducky bath robe his First Sergent bought us. It has a ducky head on the hood! SO cute. Here is a picture of it:
I am trying not to buy too much baby stuff before the shower at home in April :-) However, I have bought a few of the bigger things when I find them on major discount. I found this swing below at BabiesRUS on clearance with an extra 20% off, normally $140, I got it for a whole $70, yes half price! Yeh, I'm good :-)
And I got myself a glider, I love it! I got it from Target on sole with free shipping, normally $170 + $60 for shipping, I got it for $130. Another good deal for me! I love bargain shopping. Here is my glider, Jeff put it together for me already, I like to sit in it and rock which watching tv.