This was from this morning, while I was writing the long blog post. Too cute!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
10 Weeks
I can't believe our little man is 10 weeks old today! I haven't done a good update on things in a long time so my goal today is to get a nice long update done on this blog. For now Eli is still sleeping so hopefully I can get this done before he wakes up! I warn you, this will be long and I might start ranting and rambling at some point.
We had his 2 month pediatrician appointment on Friday. He is doing great! He was 11 lbs 7 oz and 24 inches long. This puts him at the 76.79 percentile for length and 36.55 percentile for weight. Looks like we have a tall skinny boy! He is growing great, at his 12 day old appointment he was at the 74.18 percentile in length and only 16.69 percentile for weight. I'm happy with it!It is crazy to think that in a month or two he will have doubled his birth weight (6 lbs 14 oz). He is also now outgrowing a lot of his clothes. He is pretty much out of his newborn size clothes, a few still fit but not many, and he is even outgrowing his 0-3 month clothes because they are for babies up to 23 inches and Eli is 24 inches! I put him in 3-6 month onesies and they fit well, especially over the bigger cloth diapers. Little man is growing up!
He also had his first set of shots at this appointment. 3 shots in his little chubby thighs. The nurse was great, she had them done in about 10 seconds! Poor little Eli, he was so upset that at first he didn't even make a sound, just opened is mouth wide, closed his eyes and his face turned deep red, then once it was over he started screaming. He did much better than I thought he would, I got him calmed down within 2-3 minutes and he was back to normal by the time we walked out of the office. I was worried it would upset me, but after watching his circumcision at the hospital, a few shots were nothing! He has had no side effects from the shots that I can tell, he wasn't any more sleepy or fussy, no redness or swelling at the injection sites. Good job little man!
I also talked more to his pediatrician about the blood in his poop that just won't go completely away. He went almost a week without any then the day before his appointment some came back. Talk about a frustrated momma! I have even been mostly pumping my milk and feeding it to him in a bottle mixed with some hypoallergenic formula given to me by the allergy specialist we saw (he wasn't much help, just pressured me to put him on formula while I DO NOT WANT TO DO and scared me and made me feel like a bad mother). I like my pediatrician, Jessica Schultz, much better! She is actually trying to work with me to make Eli better and allow me to continue breastfeeding.
So now I am going on an even stricter diet for about 3 weeks to see if we can clear it up - nothing containing dairy, wheat, barley, oats, fish, red meat, eggs, or soy. What does this leave you ask? Chicken and turkey (I'm going to stay away from pork as well), fruits and veggies, rice, beans and potatoes. And of course I am taking a vitamin as well as a calcium and vitamin d supplement (both chewable!). It sounds horrible but now that I have been going without wheat and dairy for over a month, it isn't so bad! The thing I miss the most is yellow cheese, which Jeff loves to eat in front of me. It is good for me because it is forcing me to actually eat fruits and veggies every day, because otherwise I would starve! And it pretty much eliminates all my favorite junk food: cheeseburgers, cookies and poptarts and most chocolate. I'm sure it is helping make me healthier, although I still haven't lost much weight but I'm sure I will. And honestly I now suspect that I am also sensitive to wheat and/or dairy products, because now that I don't eat them I feel really good, and when I do eat a little of one of those to see what would happen to Eli, I also start feeling bad again. I have more energy during the day and I rarely have the bad blood sugar fluctuations and cravings for sugar I used to have. I can easily go from breakfast to lunch without getting hungry. The only time it really affects me is after working out when my body really needs carbs, I am usually really tired the next day. I'm going to stay on this super restricted diet for 3 weeks then if the bleeding has stopped, start adding things back in, one by one, to see what affects him. If we still can't figure it out by the time he is 4 months, he will be old enough for allergy blood tests. Hopefully we can figure it out before then!
Other than the diet restriction, breastfeeding is going great. No more pain (usually) and I make so much milk that I have 110 ounces in the freezer including 15 oz just from yesterday! I seriously considered giving it up due to his problems, but I just don't want to at this point. We have worked SO HARD these past two months to make breastfeeding work that I would hate to give it up, and we have seriously spent probably $600 on breastfeeding equipment (the pump and accessories, breast milk freezing bags, nursing bras and shirts and pads, and a visit to a lactation consultant) and I just can't bring myself to throw that money away! After the allergy specialist appointment, I was so upset by the thought of giving up breastfeeding that I cried for hours. I don't really understand why I am so attached to breastfeeding, I think it may be a hormonal thing and a symbol of motherhood to me, I just can't give it up! So we are going to continue, hopefully for a year, and pray that we can make it work.
So speaking of weight loss, I'm working hard at it but not seeing many results. Everyone said it would be so easy to lose the weight if I am breastfeeding, apparently not! I read online that for some women, breastfeeding causes our bodies to actually hang on to body fat to ensure we can continue nursing. When I had Eli I had gained 50 pounds - when I got pregnant I was around 125 lbs and went up to around 175 lbs!!! And Eli only weighed 6 lbs 14 oz. Yes some of it was all the other stuff and some water weight, but not 43 pounds! Within the first 2 weeks I had lost around 20 pounds but then everything slowed down and I have had to fight hard to lose every pound since then! After eliminating wheat and dairy I lost another 5 pounds then got stuck again. After my doctor gave me the go ahead at my 6 week post partum appointment, I started exercising again, and I am finally now down to 145 pounds but I still have 20 more to lose, and I have been stuck here for a week now. This is frustrating because not only am I breastfeeding but I am eating a super healthy diet and working out several times a week - I lift weights 2-3 times a week and I run or cycle 2-4 times a week. What gives??? Thankfully my maternity jeans I have been living in are finally getting loose! But not thankfully, I tried on the work pants I bought during my first trimester (which were loose on me then everywhere except my waist) and they won't even zip now! And they are a size bigger than I was pre-pregnancy! Oh well, I will just keep at it and I know it will come off eventually.
Cloth diapering is going well, much easier than I thought it would be! We use the Bum Genius 3.0 diapers which are great because they are almost exactly like disposables except they have a liner that goes inside a pocket of the diaper. They go on Eli with Velcro tabs, then when I take them off I just pull out the liner and throw everything in a lined trash can -- no rinsing required! To wash (which I do every 2-3 days), I throw everything into the washer and run it on hot/cold stain cycle with an extra rinse cycle with a tiny bit of dye and scent free detergent, then I hang them on a wooden rack to dry, then throw them in the dryer for a few minutes to soften them up, then sit in front of the tv while I stuff the liners in and they are ready to go again. It really is easy! And we are already saving so much money, we buy one pack of Luvs diapers for $11 about once every 3 weeks or so, to use at night and for long trips outside the house. I highly recommend making the investment! And unlike what one would think, they diaper pail has NEVER smelled and it isn't gross putting everything into the washer since I use the liner. Also using cloth wipes and a diaper spray work so well, I haven't had to buy wipes once! One great advantage of cloth diapers - not one bit of diaper rash since we stared using them a lot! Oh and the Bum Genius diapers grow with him, by adjusting the snaps on the front, so he should be able to wear these until he is potty trained, then I should be able to use them on the next baby! Talk about savings!
So I return to work in a few weeks - September 21 to be exact. This is a complicated subject for me and one I think about often. My issue isn't leaving Eli in daycare and wanting to be a stay at home mom. Quite the opposite - I feel bad because I WANT to work! I sometimes feel like a bad mother because I have absolutely no desire to be a stay at home mom and because I miss my job and am looking forwards to going back to work. I feel like I should be upset to leave Eli in daycare and that I should want to stay home with my baby all day. But I just don't feel that way! I feel like all I hear from society is that leaving my baby in daycare should be a heart wrenching decision and that I should cry the entire first week I am back to work. I am just not that kind of woman. I didn't cry when Eli was born or when he got his 2 month shots, and I doubt I will cry when I go back to work. I do absolutely love this little man with all my heart and I now can't imagine living life without him. But I don't feel like I have to spend every waking moment with him in order to love him! And honestly I feel like daycare can offer him much more than I can, such as interaction with other children and learning lessons. I honestly think that being away from him some during the day will make our time together much more meaningful to me. And I think that as he grows older, I will be a good example to him (and hopefully to a little girl some day!) that women can work hard and be very successful too and that sometimes we have to make sacrifices to do the best thing for our families. I truly feel that me working is the best thing for our family. I have worked way too hard my entire life to graduate from college with honors then have a full ride scholarship to grad school and finish my Master's degree near the top of my class then get into an awesome accelerated program at the most profitable auto insurance company in the country and build a promising career... to just give it all up to stay home and change diapers. No thanks. I am meant to be a successful working mommy and Eli will grow up very happy and healthy and we will be able to provide for Eli and hi sibling(s) and still retire wealthy. That is my idea of a good family life! I just wish society would stop making moms who CHOOSE to go back to work feel bad.
I also feel like all I hear is that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job on the planet. Now I am not saying that being a stay at home mom is easy by any means, because with more than one child or even with a toddler I'm sure it is really hard (honestly caring for just one baby all day is not hard at all, just gets a little boring sometimes)! But come one, give working moms some credit!!! Working moms have to do most of the same things as stay at home moms except do it on top of a full time job outside of the house. How could that POSSIBLY be easier than being a stay at home mom??? Ok I will leave it at that because writing about it just makes me mad.
So what is Eli up to at this 2 month mark?
- He sleeps well at night! He will go to sleep between 8 and 9 pm then wake up around 3-4 am to nurse then go back to sleep, wake up around 6-7 am to nurse again, then back to sleep until 8-9 am. Then he will nap from 10-11 am until 12-1 pm, then usually take another nap sometime in the afternoon or early evening. I like this routine!
- He loves to suck on his hands and he drools a lot. The pediatrician says this does not mean he is teething, thank goodness! I'm so not ready for that yet.
- He still hates tummy time, but he has started sucking on his thumb to sooth himself when on his tummy, and I let him because this is the only time really he does that. The little stinker still hasn't rolled over since he was about 4 weeks old, the doctor says this is also normal. Come on little boy, you can do it!
- He LOVES to watch his mobile while laying in his crib, he will be content for half an hour by this.
- He now loves his bouncy seat. The seat has a bar that has 3 animals hanging from it, and they sway when the seat bounces. He has learned in the past week that he can kick his legs and wave his arms and make the animals move. He loves doing this and this can also keep him happy for half an hour or more! He is going crazy in it right now, I took a video that I will try to post soon.
- He smiles a lot now and has started laughing! He laughs the most if I clap his hands together while singing "yay Eli!!!". He also seems to be a bit ticklish. So cute! I love the smiles, after so many weeks of him just staring at us like we were crazy people, it is nice to get that smile now. He really does love me!
- His eyes haven't changed colors yet. What will the be??
- He is losing his newborn hair! It seriously has been falling out in clumps but just on the top of his head so now he has none left on top but lots on the sides, ha. He does already have new hair growing in, I can't really tell yet what color it will be but it looks lighter, he might be a little blond baby like his daddy was!
- He doesn't have nearly as much gas as he used to, thank God.
- I think he knows who Jeff and I are now, which is really cool!
- He really doesn't fuss much, usually just if he needs something or is bored or tired.
- He loves to ride facing forward in his new carrier (Belle carrier sold by Babies R Us, same price as a Bjorn but so much better in my opinion, very comfortable, we all love it!). He rode in it during an entire trip to Target a few days ago and didn't make a peep. He loves looking around at everything.
- His bumbo chair freaks him out.
- He loves bath time and loves kicking and splashing.
- His eczema and cradle cap are finally clearing up.
Well I think that is about everything on the top of my mind for now :-) Here are some pictures from the past 3 weeks.

We had his 2 month pediatrician appointment on Friday. He is doing great! He was 11 lbs 7 oz and 24 inches long. This puts him at the 76.79 percentile for length and 36.55 percentile for weight. Looks like we have a tall skinny boy! He is growing great, at his 12 day old appointment he was at the 74.18 percentile in length and only 16.69 percentile for weight. I'm happy with it!It is crazy to think that in a month or two he will have doubled his birth weight (6 lbs 14 oz). He is also now outgrowing a lot of his clothes. He is pretty much out of his newborn size clothes, a few still fit but not many, and he is even outgrowing his 0-3 month clothes because they are for babies up to 23 inches and Eli is 24 inches! I put him in 3-6 month onesies and they fit well, especially over the bigger cloth diapers. Little man is growing up!
He also had his first set of shots at this appointment. 3 shots in his little chubby thighs. The nurse was great, she had them done in about 10 seconds! Poor little Eli, he was so upset that at first he didn't even make a sound, just opened is mouth wide, closed his eyes and his face turned deep red, then once it was over he started screaming. He did much better than I thought he would, I got him calmed down within 2-3 minutes and he was back to normal by the time we walked out of the office. I was worried it would upset me, but after watching his circumcision at the hospital, a few shots were nothing! He has had no side effects from the shots that I can tell, he wasn't any more sleepy or fussy, no redness or swelling at the injection sites. Good job little man!
I also talked more to his pediatrician about the blood in his poop that just won't go completely away. He went almost a week without any then the day before his appointment some came back. Talk about a frustrated momma! I have even been mostly pumping my milk and feeding it to him in a bottle mixed with some hypoallergenic formula given to me by the allergy specialist we saw (he wasn't much help, just pressured me to put him on formula while I DO NOT WANT TO DO and scared me and made me feel like a bad mother). I like my pediatrician, Jessica Schultz, much better! She is actually trying to work with me to make Eli better and allow me to continue breastfeeding.
So now I am going on an even stricter diet for about 3 weeks to see if we can clear it up - nothing containing dairy, wheat, barley, oats, fish, red meat, eggs, or soy. What does this leave you ask? Chicken and turkey (I'm going to stay away from pork as well), fruits and veggies, rice, beans and potatoes. And of course I am taking a vitamin as well as a calcium and vitamin d supplement (both chewable!). It sounds horrible but now that I have been going without wheat and dairy for over a month, it isn't so bad! The thing I miss the most is yellow cheese, which Jeff loves to eat in front of me. It is good for me because it is forcing me to actually eat fruits and veggies every day, because otherwise I would starve! And it pretty much eliminates all my favorite junk food: cheeseburgers, cookies and poptarts and most chocolate. I'm sure it is helping make me healthier, although I still haven't lost much weight but I'm sure I will. And honestly I now suspect that I am also sensitive to wheat and/or dairy products, because now that I don't eat them I feel really good, and when I do eat a little of one of those to see what would happen to Eli, I also start feeling bad again. I have more energy during the day and I rarely have the bad blood sugar fluctuations and cravings for sugar I used to have. I can easily go from breakfast to lunch without getting hungry. The only time it really affects me is after working out when my body really needs carbs, I am usually really tired the next day. I'm going to stay on this super restricted diet for 3 weeks then if the bleeding has stopped, start adding things back in, one by one, to see what affects him. If we still can't figure it out by the time he is 4 months, he will be old enough for allergy blood tests. Hopefully we can figure it out before then!
Other than the diet restriction, breastfeeding is going great. No more pain (usually) and I make so much milk that I have 110 ounces in the freezer including 15 oz just from yesterday! I seriously considered giving it up due to his problems, but I just don't want to at this point. We have worked SO HARD these past two months to make breastfeeding work that I would hate to give it up, and we have seriously spent probably $600 on breastfeeding equipment (the pump and accessories, breast milk freezing bags, nursing bras and shirts and pads, and a visit to a lactation consultant) and I just can't bring myself to throw that money away! After the allergy specialist appointment, I was so upset by the thought of giving up breastfeeding that I cried for hours. I don't really understand why I am so attached to breastfeeding, I think it may be a hormonal thing and a symbol of motherhood to me, I just can't give it up! So we are going to continue, hopefully for a year, and pray that we can make it work.
So speaking of weight loss, I'm working hard at it but not seeing many results. Everyone said it would be so easy to lose the weight if I am breastfeeding, apparently not! I read online that for some women, breastfeeding causes our bodies to actually hang on to body fat to ensure we can continue nursing. When I had Eli I had gained 50 pounds - when I got pregnant I was around 125 lbs and went up to around 175 lbs!!! And Eli only weighed 6 lbs 14 oz. Yes some of it was all the other stuff and some water weight, but not 43 pounds! Within the first 2 weeks I had lost around 20 pounds but then everything slowed down and I have had to fight hard to lose every pound since then! After eliminating wheat and dairy I lost another 5 pounds then got stuck again. After my doctor gave me the go ahead at my 6 week post partum appointment, I started exercising again, and I am finally now down to 145 pounds but I still have 20 more to lose, and I have been stuck here for a week now. This is frustrating because not only am I breastfeeding but I am eating a super healthy diet and working out several times a week - I lift weights 2-3 times a week and I run or cycle 2-4 times a week. What gives??? Thankfully my maternity jeans I have been living in are finally getting loose! But not thankfully, I tried on the work pants I bought during my first trimester (which were loose on me then everywhere except my waist) and they won't even zip now! And they are a size bigger than I was pre-pregnancy! Oh well, I will just keep at it and I know it will come off eventually.
Cloth diapering is going well, much easier than I thought it would be! We use the Bum Genius 3.0 diapers which are great because they are almost exactly like disposables except they have a liner that goes inside a pocket of the diaper. They go on Eli with Velcro tabs, then when I take them off I just pull out the liner and throw everything in a lined trash can -- no rinsing required! To wash (which I do every 2-3 days), I throw everything into the washer and run it on hot/cold stain cycle with an extra rinse cycle with a tiny bit of dye and scent free detergent, then I hang them on a wooden rack to dry, then throw them in the dryer for a few minutes to soften them up, then sit in front of the tv while I stuff the liners in and they are ready to go again. It really is easy! And we are already saving so much money, we buy one pack of Luvs diapers for $11 about once every 3 weeks or so, to use at night and for long trips outside the house. I highly recommend making the investment! And unlike what one would think, they diaper pail has NEVER smelled and it isn't gross putting everything into the washer since I use the liner. Also using cloth wipes and a diaper spray work so well, I haven't had to buy wipes once! One great advantage of cloth diapers - not one bit of diaper rash since we stared using them a lot! Oh and the Bum Genius diapers grow with him, by adjusting the snaps on the front, so he should be able to wear these until he is potty trained, then I should be able to use them on the next baby! Talk about savings!
So I return to work in a few weeks - September 21 to be exact. This is a complicated subject for me and one I think about often. My issue isn't leaving Eli in daycare and wanting to be a stay at home mom. Quite the opposite - I feel bad because I WANT to work! I sometimes feel like a bad mother because I have absolutely no desire to be a stay at home mom and because I miss my job and am looking forwards to going back to work. I feel like I should be upset to leave Eli in daycare and that I should want to stay home with my baby all day. But I just don't feel that way! I feel like all I hear from society is that leaving my baby in daycare should be a heart wrenching decision and that I should cry the entire first week I am back to work. I am just not that kind of woman. I didn't cry when Eli was born or when he got his 2 month shots, and I doubt I will cry when I go back to work. I do absolutely love this little man with all my heart and I now can't imagine living life without him. But I don't feel like I have to spend every waking moment with him in order to love him! And honestly I feel like daycare can offer him much more than I can, such as interaction with other children and learning lessons. I honestly think that being away from him some during the day will make our time together much more meaningful to me. And I think that as he grows older, I will be a good example to him (and hopefully to a little girl some day!) that women can work hard and be very successful too and that sometimes we have to make sacrifices to do the best thing for our families. I truly feel that me working is the best thing for our family. I have worked way too hard my entire life to graduate from college with honors then have a full ride scholarship to grad school and finish my Master's degree near the top of my class then get into an awesome accelerated program at the most profitable auto insurance company in the country and build a promising career... to just give it all up to stay home and change diapers. No thanks. I am meant to be a successful working mommy and Eli will grow up very happy and healthy and we will be able to provide for Eli and hi sibling(s) and still retire wealthy. That is my idea of a good family life! I just wish society would stop making moms who CHOOSE to go back to work feel bad.
I also feel like all I hear is that being a stay at home mom is the hardest job on the planet. Now I am not saying that being a stay at home mom is easy by any means, because with more than one child or even with a toddler I'm sure it is really hard (honestly caring for just one baby all day is not hard at all, just gets a little boring sometimes)! But come one, give working moms some credit!!! Working moms have to do most of the same things as stay at home moms except do it on top of a full time job outside of the house. How could that POSSIBLY be easier than being a stay at home mom??? Ok I will leave it at that because writing about it just makes me mad.
So what is Eli up to at this 2 month mark?
- He sleeps well at night! He will go to sleep between 8 and 9 pm then wake up around 3-4 am to nurse then go back to sleep, wake up around 6-7 am to nurse again, then back to sleep until 8-9 am. Then he will nap from 10-11 am until 12-1 pm, then usually take another nap sometime in the afternoon or early evening. I like this routine!
- He loves to suck on his hands and he drools a lot. The pediatrician says this does not mean he is teething, thank goodness! I'm so not ready for that yet.
- He still hates tummy time, but he has started sucking on his thumb to sooth himself when on his tummy, and I let him because this is the only time really he does that. The little stinker still hasn't rolled over since he was about 4 weeks old, the doctor says this is also normal. Come on little boy, you can do it!
- He LOVES to watch his mobile while laying in his crib, he will be content for half an hour by this.
- He now loves his bouncy seat. The seat has a bar that has 3 animals hanging from it, and they sway when the seat bounces. He has learned in the past week that he can kick his legs and wave his arms and make the animals move. He loves doing this and this can also keep him happy for half an hour or more! He is going crazy in it right now, I took a video that I will try to post soon.
- He smiles a lot now and has started laughing! He laughs the most if I clap his hands together while singing "yay Eli!!!". He also seems to be a bit ticklish. So cute! I love the smiles, after so many weeks of him just staring at us like we were crazy people, it is nice to get that smile now. He really does love me!
- His eyes haven't changed colors yet. What will the be??
- He is losing his newborn hair! It seriously has been falling out in clumps but just on the top of his head so now he has none left on top but lots on the sides, ha. He does already have new hair growing in, I can't really tell yet what color it will be but it looks lighter, he might be a little blond baby like his daddy was!
- He doesn't have nearly as much gas as he used to, thank God.
- I think he knows who Jeff and I are now, which is really cool!
- He really doesn't fuss much, usually just if he needs something or is bored or tired.
- He loves to ride facing forward in his new carrier (Belle carrier sold by Babies R Us, same price as a Bjorn but so much better in my opinion, very comfortable, we all love it!). He rode in it during an entire trip to Target a few days ago and didn't make a peep. He loves looking around at everything.
- His bumbo chair freaks him out.
- He loves bath time and loves kicking and splashing.
- His eczema and cradle cap are finally clearing up.
Well I think that is about everything on the top of my mind for now :-) Here are some pictures from the past 3 weeks.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Peek-a-boo Is Scary!
When Jeff and I gave Eli a bath on Sunday, I showed Jeff how Eli and I play peek-a-boo. Apparently this was the first time Eli actually paid attention to this game because every time I would pop up he would get a startled look on his face and throw his hands up in the air! Poor little man. As you can tell from the video, we thought it was very funny.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
7 Weeks Old!
Eli will be 7 weeks old tomorrow, I can't believe it. We went to the pediatrician yesterday about his possible food allergies or sensitivies, and he now weighs 9 lbs 11 oz - chunky monkey! He is growing great, so the doctor says whatever is causing the bleeding doesn't seme to be affecting his health and is more of a comfort measure - to both him and us! She is sending us to specialists for allergies and gastrointestinal health to try to figure out why he is bleeding so now I'm waiting for the referrals to get those set up. However, his gas pain has gotten a lot better since we started using the gripe water, it works like a charm. I gave him some last night when he woke up to nurse because he was having some pain and it helped in about 5 minutes. Great stuff.
Eli is also sleeping like a champ. Last night he fell asleep on his own sometime before 8 pm, I woke him up and nursed him and put him to bed and he was asleep in his crib by 8:45 pm. He woke up at 10 hungry again then AGAIN at 10:30. He is definitely going through a growth spurt! But after that he slept until 2:30 am, was up for an hour eating and fussing over the gas pain, back to sleep by 3:30 am then woke me up at 7:30, good job buddy! He is napping now in his swing. I know a lot of people and books say not to let them sleep in the swing because it creates bad sleep habits. However he is still very young and he just won't nap for long anywhere else so I would rather him nap in his swing and deal with any habits later than let him get over tired and fussy. And I decided I'm just not comfortable right now with the "cry it out" method. If he is just fussing a little that is no problem and I will let him be and he will usually go back to sleep, but I can't stand the thought of just letting him scream until he falls asleep, I can't stand the idea of him thinking I abandonded him! So nap in the swing it is.
He did fall alseep in my arms the other day and I laid him down for a moment and he didn't budge. Doesn't this look comfy?

Eli in his daddy onesie this morning before running errands. How cute! And of course what is he doing in this picture? Looking out the window!

Eli is also sleeping like a champ. Last night he fell asleep on his own sometime before 8 pm, I woke him up and nursed him and put him to bed and he was asleep in his crib by 8:45 pm. He woke up at 10 hungry again then AGAIN at 10:30. He is definitely going through a growth spurt! But after that he slept until 2:30 am, was up for an hour eating and fussing over the gas pain, back to sleep by 3:30 am then woke me up at 7:30, good job buddy! He is napping now in his swing. I know a lot of people and books say not to let them sleep in the swing because it creates bad sleep habits. However he is still very young and he just won't nap for long anywhere else so I would rather him nap in his swing and deal with any habits later than let him get over tired and fussy. And I decided I'm just not comfortable right now with the "cry it out" method. If he is just fussing a little that is no problem and I will let him be and he will usually go back to sleep, but I can't stand the thought of just letting him scream until he falls asleep, I can't stand the idea of him thinking I abandonded him! So nap in the swing it is.
He did fall alseep in my arms the other day and I laid him down for a moment and he didn't budge. Doesn't this look comfy?
Eli in his daddy onesie this morning before running errands. How cute! And of course what is he doing in this picture? Looking out the window!
During breaks from tummy time this week I would put cardboard books in front of Eli to look at. He really seems interested in this sheep and in the pig book as well. Is it a sign?

Here are some videos from this week. As you can tell, I love taking videos of Eli, you can see his personality and development so much better than in just pictures. And I use the Windows Movie Maker software that came with Vista on my laptop to edit them really quickly, it's great.
Eli is getting stronger and better at holding his head up:
Eli sneezing, it is too cute!
Reading his book again this morning :-)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Eli - Week 6
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