Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Short Update
Ok so I know I have been REALLY BAD at updating this blog lately! Life has been crazy, between Jeff being way too busy, my job being what it is, getting ready for Christmas, Eli getting sick... ugh. So here is just a brief update :-)
Eli is almost 6 months old! His most recent achievement is learning to sit. He can't sit up by himself from the floor, but if I sit him up, he will sit upright for quite some time before eventually toppling over. It happened out of the blue about a week ago. Before that, he learned to roll from his back onto his belly, but he still hasn't figured out how to roll back onto his back so he rolls onto his belly, plays for a while then gets pissed off and starts crying/screaming. I tell him that he shouldn't roll over if he doesn't want to be there but he won't listen (stubborn like his daddy). One of his biggest achievements lately has been sleeping 12 hours straight at night! For the past few months, he would sleep 6:30 pm - 6:30 am but we would feed him before we went to bed. A week ago I cut out the night bottle and it didn't bother him at all, it's wonderful! I hope this doesn't change, I know it could but it seems like he may just be a good little sleepr.
He loves his feet and plays with them all the times, including when he is sitting up which causes him to topple over, it is pretty cute. He also loves to grab his feet while he is sitting in his high chair. We have slowly started him on solid foods but he doesn't really like them too much for now, I'm hoping in another month or so he comes around. He does seem to like pear and banana baby food. I keep meaning to buy whole fruits to mash or cut up for him to chew on but that would require going to the grocery store, something we haven't done in a while! He is getting really good with his hands and will reach for things he wants. We also think he is teething, we can see white bumps on his lower front jaw and EVERYTHING goes straight in his mouth. A few days ago he chewed a hole in some of my coupons after he grabbed them out of my hand.
Eli also had his first ear infection on Monday :-( He woke up with a fever and was fussy. I got him into the pediatrician's office that morning and we got him on antibiotics immediately and he is fine now, but he was a pretty miserable baby that first day. But while at the doctor office, we found out he is now 16 pounds 9 ounces! Chunker! So by the time he turns 6 months old he will have put on around 10 pounds since birth! Geez. He still doesn't look too chubby though, he is really tall so the weight spreads out on his frame. And we think he has a huge head, big brain I guess.
We head home Saturday for a week in Virginia, we are so excited! And of course the day we fly in, there is a winter storm warning, they are calling for a snow storm, great! Hopefully we can even make it there. We are going to freeze, it is in the 70s here!!!!! Wish us luck!
Eli is almost 6 months old! His most recent achievement is learning to sit. He can't sit up by himself from the floor, but if I sit him up, he will sit upright for quite some time before eventually toppling over. It happened out of the blue about a week ago. Before that, he learned to roll from his back onto his belly, but he still hasn't figured out how to roll back onto his back so he rolls onto his belly, plays for a while then gets pissed off and starts crying/screaming. I tell him that he shouldn't roll over if he doesn't want to be there but he won't listen (stubborn like his daddy). One of his biggest achievements lately has been sleeping 12 hours straight at night! For the past few months, he would sleep 6:30 pm - 6:30 am but we would feed him before we went to bed. A week ago I cut out the night bottle and it didn't bother him at all, it's wonderful! I hope this doesn't change, I know it could but it seems like he may just be a good little sleepr.
He loves his feet and plays with them all the times, including when he is sitting up which causes him to topple over, it is pretty cute. He also loves to grab his feet while he is sitting in his high chair. We have slowly started him on solid foods but he doesn't really like them too much for now, I'm hoping in another month or so he comes around. He does seem to like pear and banana baby food. I keep meaning to buy whole fruits to mash or cut up for him to chew on but that would require going to the grocery store, something we haven't done in a while! He is getting really good with his hands and will reach for things he wants. We also think he is teething, we can see white bumps on his lower front jaw and EVERYTHING goes straight in his mouth. A few days ago he chewed a hole in some of my coupons after he grabbed them out of my hand.
Eli also had his first ear infection on Monday :-( He woke up with a fever and was fussy. I got him into the pediatrician's office that morning and we got him on antibiotics immediately and he is fine now, but he was a pretty miserable baby that first day. But while at the doctor office, we found out he is now 16 pounds 9 ounces! Chunker! So by the time he turns 6 months old he will have put on around 10 pounds since birth! Geez. He still doesn't look too chubby though, he is really tall so the weight spreads out on his frame. And we think he has a huge head, big brain I guess.
We head home Saturday for a week in Virginia, we are so excited! And of course the day we fly in, there is a winter storm warning, they are calling for a snow storm, great! Hopefully we can even make it there. We are going to freeze, it is in the 70s here!!!!! Wish us luck!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Pictures Update - Weeks 16 - 23!
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks, I will add another post to give a good update on Eli when I can find time!
We ran our first 5k as a family in October. We ran the 2009 Tucson Aids Walk at the University of Arizona campus, Jeff pushing Eli in the jogging stroller and me doing my best to keep up. We all made it without having to stop! I was pretty happy to be able to do that 4 months after having a baby, although it was hard!
Of course we had to get a picture of Eli with the Gecko
The next weekend we went to Buckelew Farms to pick pumpkins. Yes, pumpkin picking in the desert is quite different from pumpkin picking in Virgina. It was hot and very dusty, and of course we forgot to bring a hat for Eli so he had to borrow daddy's.

The pumpkin farm had a 4-H petting zoo. Momma was excited to introduce Eli to livestock, but Eli was not impressed.

Daddy and Eli at lunch at Hooters.

Yes I am holding Eli up while I stick my head through also -- how long are my arms?!?!
Daddy and Eli at lunch at Hooters.
Testing out the new high chair. I got this at a base yard sale for $10, it was hardly used and retails for about $80 new!

He fell asleep with his toy in his mouth.
He fell asleep with his toy in his mouth.
We have had some cold mornings here in the desert this winter!
Jeff and I won tickets to go to a masquerade ball on Halloween night! Our friends Lindsey and Joe watched him for us and they took this picture. The party didn't turn out to be much fun, but it was fun getting dressed up.

I thought it would be amusing to try to put Eli in the outfit he wore coming home from the hospital when he was 3 days old. Then it was huge on him, now it hardly snaps! What a chunk monkey.

We have started trying to eat solid foods. He doesn't care much for rice cereal by itself, plus we are worried about wheat-related allergies, so we are pretty much starting him on fruits and veggies. Our first try was with sweet potatoes, which I hear most babies love, but Eli wasn't too sure about it.

He can't pull himself up yet, but if I stand him up by the edge of his crib, he will stand there for a while and look around.

The couple who lives across the street had a Christmas party for the neighborhood and another couple who lives a few houses down came dressed as Santa and Mrs. Clause. They actually do this as a job, the beard is real! Eli did really well with Santa.

This baby is getting enormous! He is almost too big for his bouncy chair! I can't wait to see how much he weighs and how long he is when we go for his 6 month appointment, but I'm guessing he has to be at least 16 pounds by now and I think he has grown several inches just since his 4 month appointment.
I thought it would be amusing to try to put Eli in the outfit he wore coming home from the hospital when he was 3 days old. Then it was huge on him, now it hardly snaps! What a chunk monkey.
We have started trying to eat solid foods. He doesn't care much for rice cereal by itself, plus we are worried about wheat-related allergies, so we are pretty much starting him on fruits and veggies. Our first try was with sweet potatoes, which I hear most babies love, but Eli wasn't too sure about it.
He can't pull himself up yet, but if I stand him up by the edge of his crib, he will stand there for a while and look around.
The couple who lives across the street had a Christmas party for the neighborhood and another couple who lives a few houses down came dressed as Santa and Mrs. Clause. They actually do this as a job, the beard is real! Eli did really well with Santa.
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