Wednesday, January 28, 2009

18 weeks 4 days

Almost half way there! We can't believe it. Time is flying by! Here are the pictures from this weekend:

And I think I have gotten bigger over the past few days. I went to the gym Monday and actually had problems getting around my growing belly to tie my shoes. I still was able to run 2 miles though!!! It felt so good, I'm so happy that I can still safely run. Hopefully that will help with keeping the baby fat to a minimum. I also started taking a prenatal yoga class last weekend, but it was a little too easy for me, oh well. I really think all the exercise I try to get is helping me with my energy and carrying around the extra belly weight all day. I think I need to do more yoga though, because the skin and ligaments of my stomach have been feeling so tight that it hurts! I definitely wasn't expecting that.
I'm definitely feeling the baby move now too, which is pretty cool. I hear people describe it as butterflys in your tummy. Me, no. It feels like a muscle spasm that is random and changes locations all the time. That is usually what it feels like, although Saturday in yoga, when I was laying on my left side, the baby leapt up from my left side into my right side! It was very strange, it felt like it threw its whle body against my side. I have a strange feeling that this baby will take after it's father and have way too much energy!
Speaking of Jeff, he made me a very good dinner Sunday night. He made chicken-fried deer steak with gravy and onions. I wasn't too sure about it at first, but it was so good! Here he is cooking:

Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Great over rice. Well that is my update for the week. We are both incredibly busy this week with work. I hope my job starts getting easier and slowing down soon!

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