Wednesday, May 13, 2009

45 Days To Go

I can't believe how fast time has gone by! Although it also feels like I have been pregnant forever and that it will never end. I'm not sure which is more appealing.

Things are going well, we are both staying busy but I am starting to slow down some. It is now around 100 degrees during the day and the mesquite trees are blooming (I'm extremely allergic to them) so I try to stay inside as much as possible. I get pretty tired during the days, and if I walk too far or try cleaning the house, my low back hurts so bad that I can hardly walk sometimes. Other than that I'm great! I have pretty much given up on exercising because of the low back pain and allergies for now, going for a walk just isn't worth it. I bought new running shoes this weekend though, in preparation for running again after having the baby. I'm so excited to run again! I didn't realize how much I enjoy running and how much of a stress reliever it is until I couldn't do it anymore. I also miss weight lifting. Well, I also miss being able to comfortably reach my feet!

The baby book says the "little monster" as I call it now should be around 5 pounds by now, that is ahrd to believe. I call it my little monster because it is so big now that I can feel it rolling around in there all the time, and it LOVES sticking its feet up under my ribs. It really feels like I have a monster in my stomach, I don't think it is something anyone can understand unless they have actually been pregnant before.

Here are my pictures as of Sunday:

People at work now ask me all the time when I'm due, and when I say I still have a month and a half left, no one can believe it. I guess they feel like I have been pregnant forever too! And I'm finally looking pretty big and tired and uncomfortable, I think they feel sorry for me. Work is getting more and more difficult each week, and I'm wondering now if I will make it to the end like I was planning. I guess we will see how I feel.
Thank you to everyone for your words of encouragement and thoughts for my dad and family and especially for all the help everyone has given my mom and sister and the farm during this difficult time. He is still in the hospital and on a ventilator, but he is improving every day. They get him out of bed a few times a day to sit in a chair and breath on his own, and they have taken all but one of his drainage tubes out and have taken the neck brace off, I would call that improvement! They are still trying to get his meds right, the pain meds and sedatives seem to interact weirdly with his Parkinson's meds and he has problems waking up sometimes. Maybe that is for the best for now as his body heals. He developed a mild case of pneumonia but that doesn't seem to be too much of a problem. We are taking each day at a time for now, no idea yet when he might be able to go home but so far we haven't had any major set-backs, so that is good. It is still hard being so far from home, but there isn't much that can be done about that for now. Hopefully he will improve enough so he can still come out to visit after the baby is born!
I'm off now for baby class #2 at the hospital. Jeff has something going on at the base tonight and will probably be late, or maybe that is just the story he is giving me :-) Tonight is about newborn care, I guess I finally get to learn how to change a diaper, ha!

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